Day 9 – a character I would marry

Lemme dig into the back of my mind and sort through which fictional book character I would marry….Or rather lemme just pick one….this could be a while….

I can tell you I would gladly marry Fred Weasley (also, I promised myself I wouldn’t use any gifs and look, I’ve just gone and broken that promise now haven’t I?). d1cf2a1036bab913022a47740e0cbff1

Six years ago, I would’ve said the exact same thing. Back then I had no clue about relationships and was less than truthful with myself about just how sucky the world could be (I like to keep myself in the dark – preserves some of that innocences that I miss about myself). Yet, here I am with more knowledge on both subjects and I think my number one choice would still be Fred Weasley. Maybe I just haven’t read enough good books lately. Honestly I don’t remember any books I’ve read recently….wait, wait, I read Ready Player One, which was amazing and definitely in my top 5 books, but honestly the characters just….Like I liked the characters and I definitely shipped them, but I just….I wouldn’t like the characters of Ready Player One to be real. I would gladly take the Weasley’s in real like, but not Wade and gang.

Also, Peter Parker. I would so take Peter Parker in real life. I know he’s not a book character technically, but he’s a comic book character and I feel like that counts. It’s still reading. It’s still cool. I’m gonna count it!

I would also love if Nancy Drew and the Hardy boy characters could be real. I don’t want to marry any of them, but I figured I might as well throw that out there since they’re so cool and all. And Peter Pan. And Eric from The Little Mermaid. Also, I would totally date Olly from Everything, Everything. Omg, and Levi from Fangirl. God, Levi is amazing.

Also, I wish Hawkeye was real. Both Kate and Clint. They’re more comic books, but like I said earlier, they count and you can fight me if you don’t think so!

Okay, I should go. Hope you all have a good day and an even better October!

Till we read again!

a book for everyday of the spooky month-4
Don’t forget to take part in my October Book Challenge!!!

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