I’m back!

Wow, sorry it’s been a while, but what can I say?

Okay, first things first, I don’t know what kind of post this is gonna be? It was originally gonna be a review of Toy Story 4 and the new Aladdin movie (both are great btw), but now I’m not entirely sure cause I also want to talk about Camp NaNoWriMo some here…. and now I’ve put off completely this post entirely too long to talk about any of those things really (especially the camp NaNo one lol).

Okay, so my last post was in February and I started this post like two months ago, because I suck at being a normally functioning human being. So what have I been up to since then?

Well, for one, I finally have a job that’s not at Target (which let me go after two months anyway because Christmas was over and they lied about keeping me on longer). I currently work with children, so some days I come home and just want to shower and drink. Haha, I’m only slightly joking (I’m with the potty training kids if this clarifies anything).

I’ve also been trying to read more this past month. It’s going okay. I finished two books I started months and months and months and months and months and months and months and months ago, so that’s always good, right? Of course!

In a side note, I feel like I am currently always upset with my close friends for like no reason or small things that shouldn’t even bother me? Idk, I’ll investigate this later.

Let’s see, what else have I done? I went to Kings Island with my best friend, collected some Nancy Drew books and played some of the Nancy Drew games, went to my first ever con – More on this later, but it was so much fun! Even though I didn’t go to as many panels as I had hoped to and I made the mistake of waiting till the last minute to finish my cosplays, – and I saw Marianas Trench in concert again! Marianas Trench are the best. ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED WHEN WE WENT TO THE CONCERT WE WENT TO GET DINNER BEFOREHAND AND WERE WAITING FOR A TABLE AND MARIANAS TRENCH JUST WALKED IN LIKE THEY WERE SO CLOSE I COULD’VE HIGH FIVED THEM, I COULD’VE JUST REACHED OUT AND GIVEN THEM A CASUAL HIGH FIVE PROBABLY BEST I DIDN’T THOUGH AS I NEED TO WASH THAT HAND. I THINK I CRIED A BIT WELL I KNOW I CRIED A BIT. I HAD TO PRETEND TO BE CALM THROUGH MY PANIC CAUSE MATT SAID HI TO US AND I MANAGED TO RESPOND.

Oh! And most importantly, went down to Gatlinburg and then too Georgia to see, after three months, my brother graduate from basic training!

Okay, but that’s really all I can think of? I also had strep (maybe but not?) for a bit and I went to an Ariana Grande concert somewhere in there, but ya know how it goes.

And I am off! See y’all later!

And goodnight all!!!


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