NaNoWriMo Day….20?

I’m not entirely sure what day it is…. which is really sad. I thought it was Monday, but I also knew it wasn’t Monday and I’ve been having some really weird (but realistic) dreams that have definitely been screwing with my head.

Anyway, I’m 99% sure it’s Tuesday but that’s only because my best friend is coming home tonight and Tuesday was my second day of work and that just happened.

I’m really sorry, I’m just so tired and I don’t wanna write and when I try to think of what to write, my head just comes out blank.

Also, I’ve fallen slightly behind on my NaNo word count so not being able to think and write is just a terrible curse that has befallen me…..AND I’M SO CLOSE TO WINNING THIS YEAR!!!!

Okay, calm down Katie, clam down. You’re only slightly behind, there’s still time to catch up!

Okay, sorry about that. I’m fine now I just needed to calm myself down.

Anyway, onto some novel news!

How’s everyone’s NaNo novel going? Mines going….well, at the moment, I kinda feel like my novel is going no where and I feel like I’ve written a lot of useless chapters. I’m on Chapter ten and I think I could probably get rid of at least half my chapters. So, basically once I’ve edited it I will half of what I’ve written.


Also, I know I’m not gonna have my NaNo Novel fully written by the end of November, but I was kinda hoping to get at least somewhat close. Say like maybe somewhere between fifteen and twenty (of the twenty-five planned) chapters? Instead, I might get like twelve or thirteen.

On top of everything, I’m starting to feel like my characters aren’t….good enough? Like I mean, I feel like their not human enough. The first stages of the characters, seven years ago, were annoying and very hyper and I tried to stay away from them in this third draft and at first worked, but now their kinda drifting back to their usual annoying and hyper selves. Especially my main character. And then I’m even questioning if my main character should be my main character or what. But like I don’t know who else would be my main character and I don’t even like my story and I don’t even like writing and god.

Everything hurts and I’m so tired.

Okay, but happy thoughts. I get to see my best friend tonight! And I get to play Nancy drew with her! And it’s Thanksgiving! And I don’t actually have to work on Thanksgiving or Black Friday like I thought I would (although I wouldn’t mind more hours tbh)! And I can sleep soon and don’t have to do anything tomorrow! Maybe I’ll actually catch up on my goal!


Okay, bye!

(let me know how your nano’s going and everything! Let out your own little rant below! don’t worry, I won’t tell ;))

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